It is up to each individual lender to decide if they want to offer refunds due to fit or not. If you are unsure about this, please message the lender before sending a request. By Rotation will not issue refunds due to fit if a lender has made it clear they do not offer this.
All listings should have an accurate size listing given by the lender and we encourage extra description if sizing may come up differently. Due to international sizing standards, if you have any worries regarding size it is always best to reach out to your lender to ask.
Recommended fit policy:
While each lender can decide their fit policy, By Rotation encourages lenders to offer full refunds minus postage and cleaning fee if the renter:
- Posts the item back under the following conditions
- Sent on the same day it arrived
Posted using Next Day Delivery
- Shares the tracking with the Lender
The rental has been unworn, and arrives back in good condition.
In the event that a clothing item's fit or style has been misrepresented, you can raise a ticket for a refund directly on the app. For any queries, please email
All refunds relating to fit will be issued as credit on the app with no expiry date. By Rotation is not able to transfer credits from refunds to cash.