We welcome all lenders to set their own daily rates based on the item and condition. If you are unsure of what to charge, you can look at similar listings on the app.
Based on our price analytics we have provided you with optimal pricing to maximize your rental revenue. You can adjust the pricing if you wish, but we advise you to use our suggested pricing. You will see a 'Use Tip' message when you list, which is our recommended listing price based on your set RRP.
How is pricing set for each item?
Daily - The amount the renter will pay per day. Do consider how much you would be willing to rent it for yourself.
Weekly & Monthly - In order to facilitate longer rentals such as holidays, we recommend offering weekly and/or monthly prices. These are slightly discounted from the daily price.
Cleaning Fee - As the lender, you are in charge of cleaning prior to sending the item and also upon return from the renter. You may provide instructions for gentle/light cleaning to the renter if you wish.
Tip: We do not recommend charging a cleaning fee i.e. £0 unless the item requires special cleaning. This is usually for high-value items over £1000.
Postage Option - You can offer the option of Royal Mail Tracked Delivery by charging a flat rate for this. The item should be received on the day the rental period begins at the very latest. The renter is in charge of sending back the item to you and incurring the fee.
All of the above fees combined represent the total cost for the rental (not including service fee) and you can view a summary of this on the rental page where each fee is clearly shown.